Grants.duke login

All proposals from Duke University must be prepared and routed for approval in Sponsored Projects System – SPS. To obtain access to SPS, please contact the …

SPS, grants.duke and Other Electronic Submissions | ORS

Learn about the grant application process, funding guidelines, and grant qualification standards for grants available through the Duke Energy Foundation.

Applying for Grants – Funding Guidelines – Duke Energy

The Duke Energy Foundation has adopted a new grant management system. … Over $30 million in charitable grants each year are the driver behind impact and …

Duke Energy Foundation

Duke Health works every day to address community needs, from enhancing the … We provide two kinds of grants for organizations who are tax-exempt under …

Community Benefits and Support – Duke Health

The Duke Endowment has redesigned the grant application process to be more … Application deadlines for Health Care grants are June 15 and December 15.

Health Care Grant Application & Eligibility

The Endowment has awarded more than $4.3 billion in grants since its inception, including over $1.5 billion to Duke University. As of December 31, …

Grants Overview – The Duke Endowment

If you login and are asked for an access code, it means no applications are active … The Biddle Foundation has two grant cycles per year, one for the K-12 …

Application Instructions | Mary Duke Biddle Foundation

Application Instructions | Mary Duke Biddle Foundation

Dec 8, 2022 — Rubenstein Library Research Travel Grants, Duke University, Durham, NC. Kelly Wooten’s picture. Announcement published by Kelly Wooten on …

Rubenstein Library Research Travel Grants, Duke University …

Rubenstein Library Research Travel Grants, Duke University, Durham, NC | H-Announce | H-Net

Grantmaking Process. The Doris Duke Foundation awards grants through a variety of processes, including foundation-initiated invitations to apply, …

Grants | Doris Duke Charitable Foundation

The mission of the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation is to improve the quality of people’s lives through grants supporting the performing arts, environmental conservation, medical research and child well-being, and through preservation of the cultural and environmental legacy of Doris Duke’s properties.

Keywords: grants.duke login